GIC laddering is a strategy that spreads out the duration of your investment, so you are not locking and exposing your entire investment in one GIC under one term. Designed to maximize your return while reducing the impact of interest rate fluctuations. GIC laddering can be used for both long-term and short-term investing using a variety of terms. Use the tool below to see how it works.
What is a GIC Laddering Strategy?(opens in a new window)The output of this calculation tool including any analyses, tables, guidelines, discussions, charts or scenarios are based on the information you have provided to us regarding your personal financial circumstances or objectives. In deriving or calculating its output, this calculation tool may make use of assumptions in respect of the following factors: interest rates, inflation rates, rates of return, taxation rules or other related assumptions. These assumptions are subject to rapid change over time. The assumptions, calculation methods or output of this calculation tool may differ substantially from the assumptions, calculation methods or opinions of taxation or other regulatory authorities or your own accountant, lawyer or other professional advisor.
Special Rates are subject to change at any time. Rates shown are calculated on a per annum basis. Eligible for personal balances only (includes both new purchases and renewals and balances in registered and non-registered plans). Available on certificates that pay interest semi-annually, annually and at maturity (compounded annually).
The output of this calculation tool is not a financial plan and is not intended as a solicitation to purchase specific investments or enter into specific financial transactions. This calculation tool is provided only for your general guidance. You should consult your own accountant, lawyer or other professional advisor to ensure that any action you take is based on the latest financial information, calculation methods, taxation rules or applicable legislation.
We make no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or output contained herein and shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from any errors or omissions in such information.
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